Flower Essence Tinctures
Flower essences are gentle remedies that help rebalance moods and emotions, promoting healing in both the physical and emotional body. These mixes help balance you out when you are moving through any changes, discomfort, or times that are taking you away from being your true self.
Flower essences are gentle remedies that help rebalance moods and emotions, promoting healing in both the physical and emotional body. These mixes help balance you out when you are moving through any changes, discomfort, or times that are taking you away from being your true self.
Flower essences are gentle remedies that help rebalance moods and emotions, promoting healing in both the physical and emotional body. These mixes help balance you out when you are moving through any changes, discomfort, or times that are taking you away from being your true self.
All Essences are made by me with love. The Flower Essences mixes are detailed for you below. Enjoy!
Mama -This mix was made for new moms, but can be supportive anytime your body and mind have been put to the test. This blend supports you as you adapt and embrace change. Support your body and restore your energy.
Alchemy - This mix was made to support you while you are going through your healing journey. This blend will help you connect to your dreams. Find your meaning. Embrace the change, and support yourself through the process.
Release - This mix was made to help ease the end of relationships, but can be supportive when any life stage is ending. This essence will support you as you let go of the past, and embrace the lessons learned. Have confidence and courage to move forward and find unconditional love.
Empower Need a little confidence and spice? This mix is for you. This blend helps you be confident, empowered, and passionate. It also includes my home made hibiscus essence right from my garden.
Serendipity - This mix opens your heart for love. This essence is perfect when you re-install those apps, but want to do it on your terms. Come out of your shell and find true love.
All Essences are 1 oz, and a mix of Bach Flower Essences spring water and a very small amount of brandy to preserve the essences. These essences are most effective taken orally.
PLEASE NOTE: All products are handmade in California and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.